The Maritime Training Center

Our experienced trainers at NSBacademy offer hands-on, challenging maritime simulator sessions to prepare officers for a ‘demanding’ tomorrow.

What's up?

We are marking the 50th anniversary since the publication of latest SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea).
Read more on how our Ship Handling Simulator is an integral part of our holistic idea of safety.

a maritime nsb academy ship captain discussing new ideas for the training session
NSB Academy Group-ship interior-buttons
two nsb group member talking about maritime training session simulator

Fostering Real-Life Experience

NSBacademy stands for learning and development, providing what the individual seafarer needs to manage new challenges as well as to widen his or her skill set. We live the World Maritime Theme 2024 „Navigating the future: Safety first!“


Simulator Training

POV from NSB-Academy captain shipview

Mastering real-life scenarios

Brushing up proficiency as bridge team

NSB Academy Group-maritime-ship interior

Utilizing the simulator

Promotion check or new joiner check

NSB Academy Group Captain from the side

Enhancing safety leadership

Voyage planning and proper briefing and debriefing


The best learning experience

Continuous learning is crucial to us. We encourage effective collaboration and communication among the crew members. Our proficient trainers support our capability to develop skill sets that render ‘Human Element’ in safe and sustainable vessel operations.

International presence

Our own worldwide training centers in Germany, Sri Lanka and the Philippines increase our flexibility and training quality.

Enhancing learning experience

Catering to the changing learning ways, we are introducing Augmented and Virtual Reality which allows practical interaction with technical concepts through mobile phones and tablets, sitting in the comfort of your home. Thus, allowing freedom to explore the concepts at a freewill and develop deeper understanding of those.

Raising awareness for human interactions | decision-making

Encourage learners to go through their real-life experiences. Simulation exercises, role-playing, and under pressure scenarios can help people understand the consequences of decisions and interactions in a safe environment.

Learning methodology

We contribute to inquiry-based training, a learning method that reflects the onboard responsibilities, fosters engagement in the own learning and extend the personal toolbox. Gaining competence is important as well as reflective learning.


Our Offers


Instructor-led Training

Training in NSB’s simulation environment. Workshop style in physical classrooms or in the Philippines.


Learning Nuggets

Remote, compact and guided, reaching the learning goal in 60 to 75 minutes.


Services on Demand 

Fulfilling company-specific needs or rank-specific competence checks, hosting conferences and much more.

Safety takes the Lead!

After identifying knowledge or skill gaps, our team of professionals can provide valuable training with real-life experiences for your officers to tackle future challenges today – to be successful tomorrow.

All offered trainings can be customized upon request


Knowing NSB as an institution of the German Shipping Industry, we have booked a leadership maritime training during our Crew Seminar this spring 2023.

The premises are impressive, the trainers are dedicated and the tailor-made maritime content is of high quality.

Currently, we are looking into expanding our cooperation with the NSBacademy to make us and our crew fit for the challenges that our industry is facing.

Tobias Braun

Head of Crewing Department
MINMARINE Shipmanagement GmbH & Co. KG

POV from NSB-Academy captain shipview
NSB Academy Group-ship interior-buttons
a maritime nsb academy ship captain discussing new ideas for the training session
two nsb group member talking about maritime training session simulator
NSB Academy Group-maritime Captain from the back
NSB Academy Group-maritime-ship interior

Our Instructors

Capt. Morten Magnil - Lead Instructor, NSB-academy
Capt. Morten Magnil

Lead Instructor

Ankit Acharya - Maritime Instructor Sailed as 2nd Officer, NSB-academy
Ankit Acharya

Maritime Instructor and 2nd Officer

More than just the standard

Get in touch with us in any inquiry regarding crew training.