“Navigating the future: safety first!” This ‘norm’ perfectly aligns with our learning philosophy, which cultivates real-life experiences to prioritize safety and environmental protection. Elevating the skills of our officers, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and mastering use cases and scenarios in our simulator or in an augmented reality… are essential steps for any thriving environment.
The Academy understands itself as a place of growth and connection. Sometimes, all it takes is a refresher for brushing up forgotten knowledge, while in other cases, providing context for a deeper understanding of ‚why we need to focus on‘ becomes essential. Always emphasizing the company’s values, we strive to make them ‘the norm’ by considering them in our social life and daily operations. Safety culture and concepts are accepted when their guidelines shape both, our business and our collaboration. As Shell put it, ‚context drives behavior‘ – a truth we value!
Let me proudly present: We will kick-off in February with a pilot course, focusing on situational awareness, effective communication, collaboration, and the confidence to make critical decisions. Beyond skills, positive attitude and mindset are crucial for enhanced safety on board.Let me proudly present: We will kick-off in February with a pilot course, focusing on situational awareness, effective communication, collaboration, and the confidence to make critical decisions. Beyond skills, positive attitude and mindset are crucial for enhanced safety on board.
When engaging with potential clients, we promote our inquiry-based learning philosophy, providing room for both, fun and challenging situations. For seafarers, we emphasize identifying with the company’s values, understanding the impact of their role, enabling them to be part of the solution with meaningful learnings, and shifting from compliance to commitment, from laissez-faire to a hands-on and smart working attitude. Achieving this shift requires efforts from all of us. Keep in mind: you cannot train a vessel; you can train people only.
The Academy, the simulator is a ‘safe space’ to test limits repeatably and expand boundaries. Therefore, even in our digitalized world, it makes sense to visit Buxtehude, connect with FMs and Superintendents, share pain points and enrich skill sets and personal traits. That is why I plan to host an Academy Summit this year, inviting our business partners and a few of their seafarers to navigate through demanding use cases as a team. The goal: Visualizing our Academy as a place where people grow, meet and have touchpoints.
Feel free to contact us in case you are interested in the Academy Summit.
„Embarking on the Journey ahead: Safety Takes the Lead!“ This goes hand in hand with dynamic training, real-life experiences, and the sharing of incidents | near-miss and the lessons learned from them. Improving the safety of ships and crews, beside reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is the future challenge that must be addressed and started to be tackled today, …. to be successful tomorrow. Together, we sail towards a safer and more sustainable future!
Learn about the messages of our other speakers on nsb-group.com.